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By Dan SeidenbergFounder of If I were to ask you how to defend a take down you can probably list more ways than one. If I were to ask you how to escape from bottom you can most likely answer without hesitation, but if I were to ask you how you counter funk do you have an answer? Oh, and by the way I’m not talking about the funk you use defend a high crotch even though your coach has yelled at you a thousand times to stick your baseline defense. I’m talking about skin funk; the kind that...

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We touched base with Paul Grogan, the winner of our #matguardtovegas contest. Matguard USA sent Paul on an all-inclusive, once in a lifetime trip to experience the Wrestling World Championships in Las Vegas Nevada! Here’s what he has to say about his experience! Matguard: Tell us about your love for wrestling Paul: I started wrestling when I was a little kid. The moment I first stepped foot on a mat I instantly fell in love with it. As for why; instead of giving you a mile long list of reasons, I’ll just put it this way, Vegas Worlds really exemplifies my...

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5) Congratulations! Your child has chosen to participate in one of the greatest sports in the world! Your child has chosen to participate in one of the oldest and greatest sports in the world.  No, your child has not chosen to join the WWE, at least I hope not.  If he/she has, you should probably read a different blog.  If you are reading this blog, it is likely that your child decided to participate in wrestling, the kind with coaches and referees and plenty of rules to keep wrestlers safe.  Be proud that your child has decided to wrestle.  Through the...

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  WHAT IS SKIN “FUNK”? Funk is the generic term many wrestlers and coaches use to refer to skin disease, one of the chief enemies of the sport of wrestling. It’s that hidden opponent no body wants to talk about and no wrestler wants to lose a match to! Matguard is committed to not only protecting the sport of wrestling but to also protect our current and future athletes! Our “got funk?” campaign is geared towards increasing skin disease awareness and prevention. Together we can PIN THE FUNK! Funk, as much as we would wish it’s just a music genre...

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By Dan Seidenberg One might say the excitement Las Vegas brings to the atmosphere can be credited for the abundance of action packed matches that took place at the 2015 World Wrestling Championships. One also might say that it had no impact on the tournament what so ever. Either way when looking back on Vegas Worlds 2015, I noticed a lot of similarities among people’s behavior whether I was on on the strip, in the casino, watching wrestling, or just sitting in the stands at the Orleans Arena . So, I thought it would be appropriate to give out some...

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